Jesus Socks

I love socks! While there was a time in young Matthew’s life when I loathed the thought of getting socks as a gift, I am now at the point where socks are some of the greatest gifts ever! Let me clarify, though—I’m not talking about boring old white or black socks. No, we’re talking about the crazy patterns and fun characters. If you open my sock drawer, you will quickly find dozens of crazy socks of all different colors, patterns, and styles. Socks can reveal so much about your personality and keep your feet warm all at the same time. That’s a win-win in my book!

Out of all my socks, there are a few pairs that I really like. Just recently, I got some OREO cookie socks. I have some socks that were given to me by my high school art teacher when I graduated with little aliens on them. I even have socks with Captain Crunch on them! However, I’ve been thinking about one pair of socks recently. A few years ago, my parents gave me yellow socks with “I LOVE JESUS” written all over them. Not only are they quite comfortable, but they are socks I am always happy to wear. I tend to save them for Sundays to be my “church socks,” but I like to wear them every chance I get. They say “I LOVE JESUS” on them—how could you not want to wear them??

This past Sunday, I wore those same socks. I put them on my feet Sunday morning, thinking, “Yep! Today is the day I get to wear my Jesus socks!” and proceeded with my morning. Honestly, it wasn’t until the middle of services Sunday morning that I thought about those socks again. However, looking at the socks at that moment got me thinking. I always wear these socks that say “I LOVE JESUS” and expect everyone to know that fact, but do I demonstrate my love for Jesus in the way I live? Do people know I love Jesus when I’m NOT wearing those socks?

In some ways, I believe this is something that many of us struggle with. We wear “I LOVE JESUS” socks, T-shirts with Bible verses, and cross necklaces or earrings. Then, we expect everyone to automatically know we are Christians. Why else would we wear those things if we weren’t? However, what we may be lacking isn’t what’s on the outside. Our heart and dedication to the Lord may be missing entirely. Jesus calls the Pharisees out on something very similar: “The scribes and the Pharisees…do all their deeds to be noticed by men; for they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garments” (Matthew 23:2-5). These phylacteries were small boxes worn on the forehead or arms. They would contain Scriptures to remind the wearer of God and their relationship with Him throughout the day. As Jesus points out, though, the Pharisees and scribes who wore these phylacteries and tassels did not have their hearts set in the right place. They intended to be seen by men and let everyone know they were the religious elite, the super-righteous. However, Jesus rebukes them for their lack of heart for the Lord and the kingdom.

Hear me out here—I am certainly not saying it is wrong for us to be wearing our cross necklaces or earrings, our Scripture t-shirts, or our “I LOVE JESUS” socks. That said, I believe we need to ask ourselves if our heart is invested in the Lord whether or not we wear those things. Do we love Jesus even when we don’t wear our special socks? Can people see the difference He has made in our lives through how we live rather than just what we wear? At the end of the day, what’s on our socks is worthless compared to what’s on our hearts. Let’s not just put on our “I LOVE JESUS” socks. Let’s put Jesus on our hearts! (Colossians 3:12-17)

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