

– Climbing to New Spiritual Heights, One Step at a Time –

Recent Articles:

Jesus Socks

I love socks! While there was a time in young Matthew’s life when I loathed the thought of getting socks as a gift, I am now at the point where socks are some of the greatest gifts ever! Let me clarify, though—I’m not talking about boring old white or black socks. No, we’re talking about…

Making Excuses

Society today loves to make excuses. Really, we are all guilty of it at some point or another. Excuses commonly make us feel like we have a way out of whatever situation we may be in. Friends want to hang out when you really don’t want to? “Oh, we already have plans.” Showing up late…

Knowing His Voice

With my wife, Haley, now being roughly 29 weeks pregnant at the time of this article, things are starting to become much more real in the Hite household! If I am being honest, though, the experience I have had up to the last month or so has been quite different than I expected. One of…

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