Poking the Sleeping Bear…Trap

As a teenager, one of my favorite shows to watch was called “Dangerman: the Incredible Mr. Goodwin.” The show was hosted by Jonathan Goodwin, a British stuntman who often performed his death-defying stunts in front of ordinary people. The show would get your adrenaline high! Many times my friends and I would want to doContinue reading “Poking the Sleeping Bear…Trap”

Faith Should Provide Peace

Turn on the news or plug into your favorite flavor of social media and within seconds you will hear about suffering all around us. There are countries tragically at war. We face a looming recession and economic struggles. The political divide and race relations continue to rage. There was another school shooting in Texas justContinue reading “Faith Should Provide Peace”

How A King Sees THE KING

The accounts within Daniel 2-4 are often considered some of the most well-known accounts in the entire book. Chapter 2 tells us the events concerning Nebuchadnezzar’s dream that only Daniel could interpret. Chapter 3 details the deliverance of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego from Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace after refusing to worship his golden image. Then, inContinue reading “How A King Sees THE KING”